Friday, February 11, 2011

Islam, A Religion Of Pieces

I’ve witnessed a group of men so insecure about themselves and their women that they must completely cover them! Reread; They are SO insecure about their females that they must completely cover them and delete them as a part of the human race!!!! What kind of rational person on this planet says…”oh, well I guess we men need to cover our woman because they are just so beautiful and we are to primal and stupid to love and respect them uncovered“…What kind of people do this! What kind of world are we living in when we let this be acceptable anywhere!!?… And the person that drills this idea into their heads had a 13 year old wife at 40 something!!!! And had sex with her! He had many wives actually! Look up their precious Mohammed, who can not be illustrated because they don’t want to have some kind of divine “figure” or “idol” or pedophile, BECAUSE! If you know what your prophet looks like you are devoting your homicidal and suicidal fucking decisions to a God that says you're the most simple minded, cave dwelling, flint Islam is a religion of peace. Really? WHERE!!!! Where has it demonstrated its peace!!! Where has Islam helped ANYTHING? Everywhere you look in the world it is ISLAM blowing shit up against everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Russia, Britain, Denmark, USA, ad nausea… The common mantra…” Not all muslims are terrorists, most of them are peaceful“….Wrong. If you are a Muslim you have a “religious” duty to kill non muslims and all “infidels”. It’s in the Que’ ran! Pick it up for yourself!!! Page after page it says kill the infidel, kill the non believer, cut the clitoris off women (specifically so they can never feel pleasure). I have ZERO tolerance for ANYONE flying a even half muslim flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my country! Take your mid evil religion and get the fuck out of my country!!!
Or taste one of my many guns.